Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Two for Two Tuesday - Edition 7

Simon Le Bon has three daughters.  Nick Rhodes has one daughter (only child).  John Taylor has one daughter (only child).  Roger Taylor has one daughter (Roger has three children from his first marriage and one child in his current marriage).  I suppose "Girls On Film" would be the definition for daughters brought into the world of music and parental fashion.

Yet, what about those wild boys?

Simon is the eldest of the band (born October 27, 1958) and is now a grandfather to a baby boy.

Nick is the youngest in the band - born June 8, 1962.  An intriguing wonder - every woman Nick has been in a relationship with has been significantly younger than him. 

In between are Roger and John.

I can see John being a wild boy.  In the past, he was considered the most handsome of the group in online forums.  An interesting fact - John's wife, Gela, is seven years his senior - born on November 1, 1953.

And then there is Roger...reserved in person and electric on stage.  I have never really seen him as a literal wild boy because of his shy personality.

My take away -
I think the guys were best considered "wild" when they formed into Duran Duran.  When the pressures of fame, screaming fans, and consistent recording and touring caught up to the band that led to the break up, "wild" was no longer a definition.  In a way, this is ironic because "Wild Boys" is actually a decent song.  Alas, this is my opinion.

Happy Tuesday.

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