Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


In this edition of Two for Two Tuesday, I am faced with a rather unique situation -

"Jump" by Van Halen - a forever icon in music

"Jump" by Madonna - a forever icon in music

So what is the meaning of "Jump" to both musicians?

Van Halen -

"...a television news report...about a man who was threatening to commit suicide by jumping off a high building..."

" of the onlookers of such a scene would probably shout "go ahead and jump"..."

"..."go ahead and jump"...invitation to love..."

No. 15 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the 1980s

(Wikipedia source)

Madonna -

"self-empowerment theme"

Full background on Wikipedia

My take away -
The word "jump" defining the title and lyrics of a song can easily be misconstrued.  The song must be carefully listened to in order to understand the better meaning.  Van Halen is the best example.  In this way, appreciation for both songs is set.

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