Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, September 21, 2018

Remember When Friday

Set List has evolved over the years, from detailed posts about favorite musicians and genres to favorite commercial jingles to personal notes to music/fashion mix to pure fashion posts.

In 2010, Set List was pure music.  I wrote in length personal commentary about anything music.  I discovered sharing YouTube videos.  From May to December, I did not stray from the core of Set List.

And now I dedicate one day out of every week to pure fashion posts.  I dedicate one day out of every week to directing readers and passersby to the archives.

In this edition of Remember When Friday, I am reflecting on 2010 and the memories that feel so long ago.

Rush as a band and "Rush" as a song will be my forever favorite post because of its simple yet profound announcement - Set List is about anything music...anything.  Eclectic was the best description, and still is.

And so I conclude this post with,

As always,
Play it!

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