Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Police Collection

On this first day in this new year, I thought I would share firsts - from first album collections to first songs that became instant favorites. 

In this post, I will feature The Police.

The Police albums are my first rock music collection - two from the original members and one as a greatest hits from The Police & Sting combined.

My collection began after hearing "Walking On the Moon."  This song is by far my most favorite by The Police for its lyrics alone - easy to follow, low-key instrumental, and relaxing in tone.

And then there was "Driven to Tears."  When I first heard this song, I realized that The Police has a distinctive sound - catchy instrumental and vocal despite repetitive chorus lyrics. 

When I later heard "When The World Is Running Down," I was officially hooked.

The Police - Sting, Andy Summers, Stewart Copeland

The Police - Vocals/Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums

The Police - Defining sound.  Classic lyrics.  Legacy in British rock music.

The Police - My first rock music collection.  My first favorite rock band.

Image result for the police album cover images
Image result for the police album cover images
Image result for the police album cover images

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