Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, February 25, 2019


Here's the thing...

I am not one for classical music, country music, and rap music. 

However!  I am one for movie soundtracks - such as CharadeMidnight In the Garden of Good & Evil, A Beautiful Mind, and Blue Streak to name a few.

Charade was orchestrated by composer Henry Mancini. 

Midnight In the Garden of Good & Evil was comprised of a compilation of artists, including a select few who were in the film.

A Beautiful Mind was pure orchestral to accent crucial scenes in the film.

And then there is Blue Streak - rap in nature.  Unexpected, right?

Here's the other thing...

There is only one song from the entire Blue Streak soundtrack that I really do like and downloaded on iTunes.  Other than that, rap music is still a pass.

"Criminal Mind" opens the film's credentials.

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