Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Career After Genesis - Peter Gabriel 1986 II

As the Career After Genesis series continues, let's talk about "Big Time."


Image result for so peter gabriel album cover

Basics -
- No. 8 on Billboard Hot 100

Point of intrigue -
Stewart Copeland, of The Police, played the drums for the song.

Genres considered -
Funk rock...Dance-rock

Not much else can be said for now.  Refer to Wikipedia for weekly chart performances and year end performances.  (Wikipedia)

I would like to briefly note my opinion of the "Big Time" music video.  I fully understand music videos being unique to an artist's song.  The theme may be defined by the tone of the song and perhaps the lyrics.  In the 1980s, with the rise of MTV, creativity abound.  "Big Time" was certainly creative with strong use of animation but, unfortunately, one I do not prefer.  Therefore, I did not feel comfortable posting.

Musical creativity is as subjective as any other form of art.  I may not prefer the video but do like the song, whereas you may feel differently.  Explore YouTube to consider for yourself.  In the end, though, just enjoy!

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