Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fashion Sense Thursday

On my blog, Fashion FM, I blend music and fashion as an ultimate combination.  As an example, my launch post on Fashion FM was Duran Duran's "Girl Panic!".  From there, I create Fashmates look books that best compliment featured songs.  In other words, I express my take on what a given song would look like in fashion.

In this launch edition of Fashion Sense Thursday, I am blending prestigious and fashion as the upmost combination inspiring wish lists by fans worldwide.

An excellent example of prestigious and fashion - Giorgio Armani is a top designer preference for Nick Rhodes.

Image result for nick rhodes giorgio armani free
(Source - crazydaysandnights)

In a 2015 interview with Vogue, Nick Rhodes detailed the importance of style for Duran Duran.  Early on, the band created their own look and shopped on their own.  When Rio came along, the band worked with British designer, Antony Price.  Price also suited Nick for the "Planet Earth" video.  Japanese and French designers were also considered.  On this global scale then, Italian designers were also considered - such as Giorgio Armani.

Armani suited Duran Duran's full reunion tour in 2003.  The reunion tour of course meant a great deal to the band and fans alike.  I can see why Armani is special to Nick.

(The full interview can be found here.)

While Duran Duran worked with many designers over the years, I personally associate Giorgio Armani with DD the most.  I suppose this is because I did not officially discover the band until Astronaut was released and the reunion tour kicked off.

As for other aspects to Duran Duran's brand identity - hair and makeup...A story for another day.

And there you have it - Fashion Sense Thursday blending prestigious and fashion.

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