Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, February 24, 2020

In Honor - Eddie Van Halen

I have posted record loop topics often on Set List - where from time to time I will write about the same topic over the course of months or years.  I  suppose this is out of passion for the subject matter.

In this post, I am record looping Eddie Van Halen's "Eruption" solo as performed live.  This is out of pure passion for the performance.

Eddie Van Halen brief -
- Born in Amsterdam ... Naturalized U.S. citizen
- No. 1 in Guitar World magazine's 
"The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" (2012)
- "Eruption" - No. 2 in Guitar World magazine's
"100 Greatest Guitar Solos"
- Never fully learned to read music
- Learned to play the piano ... Learned to play the drums
- Learned to play the electric guitar after hearing older brother, Alex, play
- Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page were primary influences
- Van Halen, Side projects, Tapping style

(Full background on Wikipedia)

Eddie Van Halen's profound talent will say the rest of it.  Enjoy the video above.

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