Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, October 2, 2020

Set List Reader's Choice

In this edition of Set List Reader's Choice, your top favorite is:

The post will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

In this post however, I am featuring B.B. King's iconic Lucille guitar and song in its namesake.  

History behind the Lucille -
In the winter of 1949, B.B. King played at a venue in Arkansas.  In the middle of the floor sat a barrel half-filled with burning kerosene to keep warm.  At some point, two men began to argue and fight, knocking over the barrel and causing a fire and evacuation.  King ran back inside to retrieve his "beloved $30 Gibson guitar."  The reason behind the argument, as King came to learn, was over a woman named Lucille who worked at the venue.  Lucille inspired B.B. King - he named every guitar he owned - at the time and so on - "Lucille" as a reminder to never run into a burning building or fight over a woman.

"Lucille" by B.B. King -

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