Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday Favorite

In this edition of Sunday Favorite, my top choice is the share of the Italian national anthem on YouTube -

Note - The share was direct to Set List, so I will pass along the link via my theme text -  New Year's Global Music Italy.

Estelle Zander was my grandmother on my mother's side.  Her heritage was pure Swedish.

Robert Flosi was my grandfather on my mother's side.  His heritage was pure Italian.

My mom and I are not blood related to them because she was adopted at birth.

I was and always will be my grandma's best friend and soulmate.  Anything Swedish is a passion because of her.  I will forever miss my mormor.

I never met my grandfather because he passed in 1976 of bone cancer.  Yet I have long enjoyed hearing stories, looking at albums, and finding granddaughter love for my grandpa on a spiritual level.  Every so often I feel his presence based on the scent of his beloved cigars and pipes (a collection my mom and I still have).

And so I am choosing the language of my grandpa's heritage to know a bit more about my family, irrelevant to blood relation.

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