Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Classic Baseball Tunes

Trivia -
Where the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox have a sharp division amongst fans, the same can be said of the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees with a rivalry stemming over 100 years.

"...greatest rivalry in all of sports..."

Red Sox v. Yankees - American League Championship Series x 3
Yankees won in 1999 & 2000 ... Red Sox won in 2004

Red Sox v. Yankees - American League Division Series in 2018
Red Sox won in 4 games

Red Sox v. Yankees - American League Wild Card Game 
Red Sox won

The Red Sox won the American League title in 1904.  The Yankees won the American League title in 1949.

Both teams tied for first place in 1978.

As for Set List - "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond is a staple for the team and fans...

...and this is where I will leave off.

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