Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Favorite

On this first Sunday in September, I am taking the opportunity to once again promote my publications.

On this seventh day in the week, I will highlight my seventh book - Happy New Year.

This year, 2024, is making a beeline to the end and somehow there hasn't been a way to stop and take in all that is offered in the summer season.  September reflects the holiday season just around the corner, whether a refreshing realization or not ready and make late summer slow down.

Happy New Year is my latest publication on Amazon, after Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays.  For peace of mind, this is just a series and not a push to go holiday shopping.

Enjoy the crisp Fall season.  Bundle up in the cold winter season.  

Look forward to all that the holiday season has to offer in any faith.

Waive goodbye to an interesting year.

Happy New Year

Lauren Hovis Publications

Happy New Year

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