Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My entirely biased critique of "All You Need Is Now"

The electronic sound on its own is with edge I would not necessarily match with Duran Duran.  I dare to imagine the electronic solo being a cross between Roger Taylor's d.j. style and Nick Rhodes's classic synth style.

Simon Le Bon's lyrics in the verse section are almost "in your face" intense with the electronic edge in the background.

The chorus section is addicting.  Simon's lyrics and voice and Nick's synthesizer blend beautifully in a sweetly musical way.  Roger's drums keep a funky beat.  I could not discern John Taylor's bass.  He has the best job in the world, though.  So I am sure his guitar rocked too.

If you listen closely, you can hear faint voices talking in the last few seconds of the song.  This ending reminds me greatly of a similar style used in "Sin of the City" (The Wedding Album).  I love The Wedding Album and do like "Sin of the City."

I like "All You Need Is Now."  This single in no way reminds me of Rio.  However!  I love the edge mixed with classic '80s vocals.  Duran Duran is not proving their status to a new generation - i.e. Red Carpet Massacre.  Duran Duran is simply updating their sound without losing sight of their core passion.

My entirely biased critique, then, is. . .I give an A to "All You Need Is Now" and look forward with excited anticipation to the full album.  Rock it, guys.


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