Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Duran Duran Series : Red Carpet Massacre Album

Red Carpet Massacre is Duran Duran's 12th studio album with release in the United States on November 13, 2007 & in Europe on November 19, 2007.
In the first week of release in the U.S., Red Carpet Massacre held #36 status on Billboard 200.  In week 2, the album dropped significantly to #116.  Red Carpet Massacre remained on Billboard 200 for only three consecutive weeks.
In the UK, Red Carpet Massacre held #44 status.  According to Wikipedia, this is the second poorest listing on the UK chart in Duran Duran history (after Pop Trash in 2000).
In previous Duran Duran series posts - such as Duran Duran Series : The Wedding Album and Duran Duran Series : Astronaut Album - there was strong attention to album success and special emphasis on released singles ranking high in music charts worldwide.  However, in my research on Red Carpet Massacre, I found a sense of musical politics...if that can be possible.
The original album was recorded from September 2005 to April 2006 and a summer tour was in preparation.  The release, though, was delayed when guitarist Andy Taylor left for reasons known only to the original lineup.  (Some details are listed in Wikipedia.)  Dominic Brown has since replaced Andy Taylor.
In September 2006, recording sessions began for Red Carpet Massacre.  Duran Duran worked with producer Timbaland and with Justin Timberlake for the songs "Nite-Runner" and "Falling Down."
In May 2008, my college graduation gift was seeing Duran Duran live in concert during their tour in 2008.  I did have a blast...Of course, the stage speakers and the speakers surrounding Roger Taylor's drums blasted my own eardrums.  I enjoyed singing along and catching as many glimpses of the band members as I could.  I remember the band wearing similar clothing, as though the night had a uniform dress code.  The performance was broken down into different styles - one being the members at their instruments and one where all four were at the front of the stage for an electric tone.  Colorful lights glittered and popped throughout.  I clearly remembered the exact set list for at least a week.
As much fun as I did have, the only down side was the loss of Andy Taylor.
Alas, this post is to promote Red Carpet Massacre - a good album despite its dramatic background.

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