Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, August 23, 2024

Maoz Tzur (Rock Of Ages) - Hanukkah Songs

In the Jewish faith, Hanukkah encapsules the religious celebration.  Yet, Christmas and all that entails dominates the media and retail to satisfy the Christian belief.  Many want to see the decorated and colorfully lit tree, mantle decor, and indoor/outdoor home decor.  The financial industry skyrockets on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and "regular" days taken to shopping.  Of course, though, those hundreds & thousands & millions if not more please retail in the moment when in actuality, the gifts won't be around the following year (perhaps because of children's toys being outgrown).

Hanukkah is honored silently.  Although fictional, consider the syndicated television series, "Friends."  "Ross Geller" & "Monica Geller" are of Jewish faith respected by "Ross" but not by "Monica" who decorates her apartment with a tree and all over.  Perhaps this is because the audience and viewers relate more.

I am not Jewish but I have enormous respect for the religious faith and beliefs.  And so to cap off the work week with, like the holidays, Jewish celebration in August, enjoy a series of Hanukkah songs as compiled on YouTube.

(Explore Lauren Hovis Publications for a copy of Happy Hanukkah.  The title is under Lauren's Top Links.)

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